Cookie Policy

The FAPS s.r.l website uses cookies and in some cases third-party cookies to provide a better experience and service for users. A cookie is a small piece of text that websites send to the browser and it is stored on the user’s terminal. This may be a personal computer, a mobile phone, a tablet etc. These files allow the website to remember details of your visit, such as language and preferred options, and can make your next visit easier and the site more useful for you. This website uses the following cookies:

Technical Cookies

“Technical” cookies are essential for proper use of the site and allow users to navigate the site taking advantage of its features (they enable storage of previous actions, or allow you to save the user’s session and/or perform other activities strictly necessary for site operations).

Analytics Cookies

This website uses Google Analytics to collect and analyse statistical information on access or visits to the website. According to the Privacy Authority indications, and to guarantee User privacy, this website has implemented some measures: - IP address anonymous. (Google Analytics will make the users/visitors IP address anonymous during data collection); - “Data sharing” modification. (The personal data will not be shared with other Google services, i.e. Google Analytics. They will only be used within the restricted instructions given by the site manager). As declared above, advertising and data sharing with Google is not active and Google Analytics are not connected with other additional services. If the purpose of data treatment is only statistical analysis, in accordance with Privacy Authority guidelines, Cookie Analytics are considered Technical Cookies and can be installed without prior user agreement.
For further information on the Google Analytics service:
The User may also stop transmission of information generated by the cookies on use of this website, by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out browser Add-on available here:

Cookies that integrate third-party products and software functions

This cookie integrates the features developed by others needed to use the third-party software service (i.e. the software that generates the maps of Google Maps) and these cookies are sent by third-party domains. Information and Terms of Service can be found in the link:

Cookie installation and uninstall. Browser option.

The operating modes and options to limit or block cookies can be adjusted by changing the settings on your Internet browser. The majority of Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically, but the user can change these settings to block cookies.
The user has the option to allow, block or delete cookies installed in the computer by setting the browser options installed on the terminal:

Link to other website

Some pages can contain links to other websites that are not managed by the site manager. In any case, they do not share the user’s personal data. The site manager is not responsible for the content, the security or the privacy measures used by other sites and declines all responsibility.

Users Rights

The rights of users comply with article 7 of Decree Law 196/2003 (confirmation of existence of data, knowledge of their content and source, request for data used in breach of the law to be blocked l, objecting to data processing for legitimate reasons). Users can exercise their rights by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
FAPS srl - Via A. Malignani, 32 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (Pn) - ITALY - P.I. 01267550935 - N.Registro imprese REA PN 53675 - Cap. Soc. 100.000,00 Euro i.v.

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